USCIS Exempts Biometrics Fee for I-539 Applicants

On September 25, 2023, USCIS announced that it is exempting the biometric services fee for Form I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status. 

If the Form I-539 application is postmarked October 1, 2023, or later, the applicants do not need to pay the 85-dollar biometric services fee. If the biometrics fee and the payment is submitted separately from the Form I-539, the biometrics fee will be returned, and the I-539 form will be accepted. However, if the applicants submit the biometric services fee, and the payment is combined with a paper-based Form I-539 filing fee, it will be considered an incorrect filing, and the application will be rejected.  

The biometric services fee exemption will apply to all applicants filing I-530 form on or after October 1, 2023. For more information, visit the USCIS website or call our office at 216-566-9908. 

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