Feed the Need at the Town Hall

On Tuesday, November 23rd, we spent the day helping to serve Thanksgiving dinners to needy/homeless adults and low-income children from various local schools at the annual Feed the Need that took place, as always, at the Town Hall on West 25th Street.

As was printed in white lettering on the black t-shirts given to all volunteers, “Ethos Capital Partners and Town Hall established Feed the Need in 2013. Our mission is to love and serve our community while supporting local hunger centers and bringing attention to their important causes.”

Thankfully, this year there was a record number of volunteers and we all kept very busy. Of course, Mr. Bobby George, the owner of Town Hall, more than pitched in himself as did quite a few of his employees which these included Mr. Brian Day, Mr. Tony Quintal, Mr. Daniel P. Espejo, Ms. Kayla Barnes and Ms. Jacqueline Boyd.

Plus, several people associated with the Cleveland Browns such as Mr. Bernie Kosar stopped by to help put food on the plates as did members of the Fox 8 morning team and, along these lines, former Cleveland City Councilperson, and former mayoral candidate, Zack Reed personally extended his best wishes to all who were present.

To be sure, Feed the Need was sponsored by a variety of businesses, institutions, and individuals, and Mr. George well summed-up the strong spirit of community involvement evidenced on this occasion in a quote that read, “Feed the Need unites our city by bringing our local leaders together to serve purpose greater than ourselves.”

It goes without saying that, as always, Sister Corita Ambrose from St. Augustine was there to greet all the guests as they arrived and proved to be a delightful presence.

We asked Sister Corita about what she likes most about the holidays and she replied that “the holidays are my favorite type of year because of all the people I get to see. They bring me love.”

We are grateful to Ms. [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″] because she always gives us the day off to assist in the Feed the Need endeavor.

This year we arrived early and got to help unload the food that the employees from Snap Gourmet Foods on East 55th Street had been up all the previous night preparing.

We also helped to duct tape plastic tablecloths to all the tables as well as to clear and clean the tables after each round of guests had finished their meals.

At the end of the day, we were certainly exhausted, but our fatigue was based on our participation in a most rewarding and worthy exercise, and we certainly plan to take part in Feed the Need again next year in 2022.

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