Entrepreneur of the Year Gala

On Friday evening, January 28th, we took part in the 2021 Entrepreneur of the Year Awards Gala conducted via zoom by the Northeast Ohio Hispanic Center for Economic Development (also known as NEOHCED) for which [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″] was one of the Business Marketing Support Partners.

Ms. Jenice Contreras, Executive Director of NEOHCED, acted as the emcee and introduced us to the honorees who were Mr. Harry Quinonez of787 Market (Groundbreaking Business Award), Mr. Esbeey Madera (who immigrated to the United States from Guatemala with his family when he was a child) of Madera Builders, Inc. (Pillar in the Community Award); and the Legacy Award was presented to the family of Ms. Adilen Rodriguez, founder of the Pink Boutique, who, sadly, recently passed.

In addition to the awards, much of the program was devoted to the CentroVilla25 Capital Campaign Launch, a $9.7 million dollar project that has the potential to “catalyze economic impact through job creation and business development…”


Near the end of the commemoration, we got to meet the three top finalists of the ADELANTE Business Pitch Competition and listen to them skillfully promote their businesses. They were Ms. Juliana Berrios of Captive Mode LLC (3rd Place) ; Dr. Raquel Ortiz of Bombazzo De Colores LLC (2nd Place); and Ms. Marcia V. Moreno of Ammore Consulting LLC (1st Place).

The observance closed with a performance by Ms. Jackie Warren and The Latin Jazz Quartet.

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