“Rock Star” panel discussion for International Women’s Day

On Tuesday, March 8th, we tabled in the Rotunda at Cleveland City Hall on behalf of [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″] where a panel discussion, composed of officials from the City of Cleveland, took place in honor of International Women’s Day.

The theme of the discussion was “Designing Cities for Women” and the participants were Ms. Joyce Huang, Director of City Planning; Ms. Sonya Pryor Jones, Chief of Youth and Family Success; Ms. Sally Martin, Director of Building and Housing; and Ms. Alyssa Hernandez, Director of Community Development, who also acted as moderator.

During the conversation, it was pointed out that when we design for women, we design for the family unit since women tend to be the principal caregiver.

From there, the panelists explored how Cleveland could be more family-friendly in such areas as transportation, housing, and recreation.

The program was introduced by Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb who termed it a “rock star panel” and it certainly proved to be.

Mayor Bibb also paid tribute to the “amazing sponsors” of International Women’s Month including Ms. [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″].

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