
Nuestro bufete de abogados ofrece una amplia gama de servicios de inmigración.

Explore la lista a continuación para encontrar la solución adecuada para su historia de inmigración.


If you have already been to immigration court and the Board of Immigration Appeals, and neither has given the results you need, you still have more options.


Asylum immigration to the United States is open to people who have either been persecuted in their home countries or have reason to believe they will be.

Citizenship and Naturalization

Among the most rewarding experiences for a U.S. immigration and naturalization lawyer is to see a client win American citizenship.

Deportation & Removal

At Margaret W. Wong & Associates, LLC, our lawyers have devoted themselves to defending people in removal proceedings throughout the United States.

Employment-Based Immigration

At Margaret W. Wong & Associates, LLC, we know that immigration is the backbone of a healthy economy.

Family-Based Immigration

There are few things more rewarding for an immigration lawyer than helping unite or create a new family.

Investment-Based Immigration

Businesses, entrepreneurs and investors have a lot at stake in immigration, particularly for multinational business ventures.

Non-Immigration Visas

In the US, non-immigrant visas are given to foreign nationals who need to stay within the country temporarily.

Green Cards (Permanent Residency)

Green cards, or permanent residence cards, are among the most sought-after documents in the field of permanent immigration to the United States.

¿No sabes por dónde empezar?

Reserve una consulta y cree un plan de inmigración personalizado con
uno de nuestros abogados experimentados.

Comience con un

Programe una consulta y revise su caso de inmigración con uno de nuestros abogados experimentados.

El uso de Internet o de este formulario para comunicarse con la firma o cualquier miembro individual de la firma no establece una relación abogado-cliente. La información confidencial o urgente no debe enviarse a través de este formulario. Debido a la gran demanda, tenga en cuenta que, si desea proceder con una consulta con un abogado, estos son solo con cita previa y cuestan $ 400.