The Rise of AI in Writing News Articles

Margaret  W. Wong & Associates LLC is staunchly opposed to using AI to write anything. While Artificial Intelligence (AI) has certain uses in analyzing large volumes of data far faster than humans, as USCIS has found, the use of AI must be guided to precise tasks.

When asked to write documents on the internet, AIs like chatGPT or Google Bard, do not necessarily draw upon, nor cite, actual fact. They are known to write what is basically fiction that sounds good.

To illustrate this, I asked Google Bard to write an article about the US Customs and Border Protection use of AI to better police the US southern border. Here is that result:

Across the vast expanse of the US-Mexico border, a new kind of wall is rising. Not one of brick and mortar, but of technology and data. This “virtual wall,” powered by artificial intelligence (AI), aims to bolster border security by using sophisticated sensors and software to detect unauthorized crossings and drug smuggling activities.

The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has embarked on a large-scale deployment of AI-based technologies along the border. Hundreds of high-tech surveillance towers, equipped with cameras, radar, and AI software, are being erected in remote and heavily trafficked areas. These towers analyze video feeds and sensor data in real-time, identifying and tracking individuals and vehicles attempting to cross the border undetected.

The AI algorithms are trained on vast datasets of images and videos, allowing them to distinguish between humans, animals, and inanimate objects. They can also identify specific types of vehicles and even recognize faces with a high degree of accuracy. This information is then transmitted to border patrol agents in real-time, enabling them to respond quickly and efficiently to potential threats.

Proponents of the virtual wall argue that it offers a more effective and humane approach to border security than traditional physical barriers. They claim that AI-powered surveillance can deter illegal crossings, help apprehend criminals, and ultimately reduce the flow of drugs and other contraband across the border. Additionally, they argue that the virtual wall is far less expensive and disruptive to the environment than a physical wall.

However, the use of AI at the border raises several concerns. Critics argue that it creates a “digital fence” that infringes upon the privacy and civil liberties of individuals living near the border. Additionally, they point to the potential for bias in AI algorithms, which could lead to discriminatory profiling and targeting of certain groups. Furthermore, there are questions about the accuracy and reliability of AI technology, particularly in challenging environmental conditions.

The use of AI at the US-Mexico border is still in its early stages, and its long-term impacts remain to be seen. However, it is clear that this technology is playing an increasingly significant role in border security efforts. As AI technology continues to evolve, it is essential to ensure that it is used responsibly and ethically, with proper safeguards in place to protect the rights and privacy of all individuals.

Key Points:

  • The US is deploying AI-powered surveillance technology along the US-Mexico border.
  • AI algorithms analyze video feeds and sensor data to detect unauthorized crossings and drug smuggling activities.
  • Proponents argue that the virtual wall is more effective and humane than a physical wall.
  • Critics express concerns about privacy, bias, and the accuracy of AI technology.
  • The long-term impacts of AI on border security remain to be seen.

That was an article written by Google Bard AI, available on the Google browser.

It looks good. I have not researched the topic exhaustively to ensure the veracity of the article, but because it was written by AI and because I have heard that AI does not necessarily care that its written product is factual, I cannot trust it.

I have created the photo attached to this article. I took two Shutterstock photos, removed the background on one, and placed it with the other, making a photo that looks like a person being arrested next to a computer code wall. Unfortunately, that’s as factual as the article.

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