USCIS Proposes Increase to Green Card Fees

Proposals announced this month could see Green Card fees rise by more than double – going from $1,760 up to $3,500. The cost rises would apply to those applying for adjustment of status from within the United States.

The long-awaited announcement also saw a proposed rise in fees for several other categories of visa, including H-1B and marriage-based visas.

Despite the law requiring USCIS to review their fees every 2 years, there has been no introduction of new fees since 2016. The agency cites an ever-increasing backlog, a need to boost customer service quality, and staffing challenges as reasons for the increase.

As with previous proposed fee increases, USCIS is currently conducting a 60-day (beginning Jan 4) consultation period in order to collect feedback from the public. Unless the proposal is withdrawn or undergoes any major changes, applicants could see new costs take effect by the Summer.

For further information on the proposed fee changes, please visit or reach out to a member of our team.

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