3 reasons permanent residents could face removal from the US

Becoming a permanent resident is a goal for many United States immigrants. Those with a permanent resident card or green card can typically enjoy the legal right to stay in the country for the rest of their lives. Permanent residents can work jobs in the United States and can help their loved ones immigrate. 

However, there are certain scenarios in which those with green cards could face removal from the United States. Other than scenarios where someone voluntarily gives up their green card, when might they face removal? 

When they commit certain crimes

Violent felonies, crimes of moral turpitude and criminal offenses that lead to lengthy incarceration might result in an immigrant losing their green card. Criminal charges are one of the most common issues that affect a permanent resident’s right to stay in the country. 

Failing to remove conditions on your status

The government imposes conditions on your green card when you first receive it. Failing to submit documents to remove those restrictions in the 90 days before your card expires could eventually mean that you lose your green card and right to stay in the country. 

They live elsewhere

Perhaps your mother went into the hospital, so you had to travel back home to take care of her. Maybe your employer required that you work at a field office for several months. There are many reasons why you might live outside of the United States as someone with a green card, but staying abroad for too long may affect your ability to stay when you come back. 

Learning more about permanent residency can help those who want to stay in the country permanently actually achieve that goal instead of risking removal over a mistake.

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