Speaker from American Red Cross at C.A.M.E.O. Meeting

On Wednesday, February 9th, we took part in the monthly meeting of C.A.M.E.O. (Cleveland American Middle East Organization) that was conducted virtually.

The guest speaker was Ms. Jill Trupo, District Manager of American Red Cross Services of Northern Ohio. Ms. Trupo treated us to a slide show that gave a fine synopsis of the history of the American Red Cross and the services it provides. (see https://www.redcross.org/about-us/who-we-are/history.html/)

More importantly, we learned, however, that we are amid the worst blood shortage in over a decade largely due to the Covid-19 pandemic which has caused staff shortage and a reduction of blood drives. (see https://www.cleveland.com/healthfit/2022/01/national-blood-supply-reaches-critical-lows-uh-challenged-to-maintain-patient-care-summa-health-has-employee-blood-drive-to-build-supply.html/)

This disturbing news prompted the C.A.M.E.O. membership to brainstorm to come up with ways to be of assistance. To be sure, people who have immigrated to the United States have the potential to contribute in terms of being volunteer workers and/or blood donors provided timetables pertaining to international travel for donorship are observed.

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