Bishop Malesic Speaks

On Thursday, February 10th, we attended the 62nd annual Bishop’s Address put on by the First Friday Club of Cleveland that, on this occasion, took place at Windows on the River down in the Flats.

For this event, [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″] was a corporate sponsor so a full table was granted to us but we allowed the First Friday Club staff to give away most of the seats.

Thus, we got to sit with several pleasant people that we had not yet met including Dr. J. Michael Pressimone, who has been president of Notre Dame College since April, 2020.

This year the address was given by the Most Reverend Edward C. Malesic the 12th Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland.

During his talk, Bishop Malesic concentrated on three areas which were the Synod on Synodality assembly scheduled to take place in Rome in October of 2023; the Eucharist revival; and the revitalization of Catholic elementary schools in Cleveland.

Also during the luncheon, our friend Bishop Roger Gries, OSB, former auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland, was presented with a special “Heart of a Servant” Award for his many years of service to the people of Cleveland and received a much deserved huge round of applause.

The issue of immigration didn’t come up in the Bishop’s speech but we talked to our good friend Sister Rita Mary Harwood who told us that Bishop Malesic has been very supportive of constructive efforts to assist people who have immigrated to the United States as well as refugees.

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