When can you be deported from the U.S.?

Deportation can be a devastating setback for individuals who want to legally reside and work in the United States or for families who want to live together. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of individuals are removed from the country each year.

If you are facing deportation, it helps to know the reasons for your impending removal and whether you have a fighting chance to remain in the country. Well, there are a number of instances when a non-U.S. citizen can be deported back to their country of origin. Here are some of them:

Criminal offense

Certain criminal convictions can lead to automatic deportation from the U.S. Some of these crimes, according to the Department of Homeland Security, include crimes of moral turpitude, serious fraud, terrorism, money laundering, firearm, drug and human trafficking and domestic violence.

Violating your visa terms

Most visa conditions are tied to your duration of stay in the country as well as your eligibility for work. For instance, you are not eligible for work if you are on a tourist visa. Likewise, taking on a full-time job when you are on a student visa would be deemed a violation of your visa terms. Other scenarios that would amount to a violation of your visa terms include overstaying the duration of your visa or entering a fraudulent marriage to get a green card.

Medical grounds

If you are an undocumented immigrant in the U.S, then you are, obviously, living in the country illegally. Basically, this also means that you are uninsured. In this case, you may be removed from the country at any time. Deportation on medical grounds commonly occurs when the patient’s medical needs require ongoing care. And without insurance, getting proper care can become nearly impossible.

The worry of being removed from the U.S. can create a feeling of insecurity and fear if you are not a citizen. Fortunately, depending on the reason for your deportation, you do have the right to a fair hearing before the immigration court.

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