Graffiti Heart Fundraiser

Ms. Wong loves to support Graffiti Heart because, in addition to granting scholarships to young people from low-come communities, the 501(C)3 offers “a platform for graffiti writers and aspiring artists to practice their artistic talent on a stage that promotes approved commissioned projects and beautifies and revitalizes communities.”

Accordingly, we visited for a few minutes with Ms. Stamy Paul, the founder, and president of Graffiti Heart, who confirmed that the goal of the organization is to bring people together to work for the common good.

Therefore, although no mural specifically addresses immigration, a common theme of the artwork is certainly the value of diversity and inclusion.

While we were at the fundraiser, we particularly enjoyed watching artists like Mr. Garret Weider and Ms. Eileen Dorsey create splendid pictorials while Ms. Sammi Butler provided appropriate background songs like “Just My Imagination” via her guitar.

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