American Nationalities Movement Christmas Party Luncheon Program

On Saturday, December 18th, we had a lot to do because it was the weekend before Christmas, but we still managed to spend some time at the annual Christmas party luncheon of the American Nationalities Movement of Ohio, for which [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″] was a silver sponsor, that took place at the Holy Spirit Party Center on West 54th Street in Parma.

We didn’t stay for the entire party, but we congratulated two of the Freedom Award winners who were Ohio State Senator Kenny Yuko (Democrat-District 25) and Mr. Paul Burik who planned to accept on behalf of Sokol Greater Cleveland.

Unfortunately, the third winner, Ohio Secretary of State, Frank LaRose wasn’t there when we were, but we wish him the best.

Very much to our pleasure, we encountered another good friend of ours, Ms. Laurel Tombazzi who graciously introduced us to the Right Reverend Dr. Csaba Krasznai of the First Hungarian Reformed Church in Walton Hills.

Dr. Krasznai and his wife, Beata, immigrated to the United States years ago from Hungary and they promised to invite us to their church’s anniversary celebration planned for August of 2022.

Other people who greeted us were Ms. Erika Puussaar who we had seen at the Estonian holiday party the previous weekend, Mr. Howie Wise who was quite helpful to us at the Czech Holiday Fair at Bohemian National Hall in November, and Mr. James Craciun who would be giving both the invocation and the benediction that very day.

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