Our Continuing Operations Under COVID-19 Stay at Home Orders

In an effort to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the governors of several states have issued executive orders ordering individuals to stay at home unless they are involved in essential services. As relevant to our Cleveland, Ohio head office, on March 22, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health Director issued a “Director’s Stay at Home Order” (hereinafter the “March 22, 2020, Order”) requiring all Ohioans to stay in their homes to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 beginning at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, March 23, 2020, until 11:59 p.m. on April 6, 2020, with several exceptions.

As a provider of legal services, the Cleveland, Ohio office of Margaret W. Wong & Associates LLC qualifies as an exempt “essential business” under the March 22, 2020 Order, and therefore we will continue to serve our clients without interruption throughout the duration of the Order.

However, in order to comply with March 22, 2020, Order’s requirements regarding social distancing and other safety measures to protect both our staff and our clients, our office has adopted the following policies, effective immediately until further notice:

  • All consultations and client meetings will now be conducted via telephone or free video conferencing (Zoom, Skype).
  • We request that you send us all requested documents and materials electronically (preferred) or otherwise by mail or courier service (FedEx, UPS). Payments may be made with credit cards electronically or via telephone, or otherwise by sending checks to our office via mail or courier service.
  • In the event that you must physically visit our office, please call us beforehand at 678-940-6148 to confirm your visit. For safety purposes, we may restrict your access to our office and may limit our interaction with you to the shortest necessary time.

All other offices of Margaret W. Wong & Associates (New York City, Raleigh Durham, Chicago, Atlanta, Nashville, and Columbus) remain operational but may be operating on a remote basis depending on their respective state’s requirements.

We remain fully committed to carrying out our mission to provide the highest quality immigration and nationality law and criminal law services to our clients while protecting the safety and health of our team members, our families, and our clients.

Margaret W. Wong & Associates

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