Women’s History Month Luncheon

On Friday, March 25th, we attended a Women’s History Month luncheon at the Cleveland Public Auditorium which was put on by the City of Cleveland and its Community Relations Board, and sponsored in part by [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″].

During the program, fifteen women who work for the City of Cleveland were honored for their contributions to the departments for which they worked as well as to Cleveland as a whole.

Among the speakers were Mr. Grady Stevenson, the Board’s Executive Director, Ms. Sonya Pryor-Jones, Cleveland’s Chief of Youth and Family Success and Mayor Justin Bibb, all of whom emphasized the proven value and necessity of women serving in key positions for a foundation (i.e. public or private) to realize its potential.

In fact, we shared a table with Ms. Joan McGinty, one of the honorees who worked for the Cleveland Fire Department for thirty-three years before retiring. During her tenure, Ms. McGinty served with distinction as both a firefighter and an arson detective.

Giving the keynote was our friend Dr. Yvonne Pointer-McCrary who shared with us an effective parable about how many women throughout history have achieved their potential in response to being confronted by dire conditions.

Presiding over the proceedings was Ms. Elizabeth Roman of the Community Relations Board who planned and executed this event along with her team.

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