Out and About: Your Community Update on Jan 13th 2024

On Sunday afternoon, January 5th, the Cleveland Opera presented its “Mozart, Still, and Christmas” concert at St. Casimir Church.

(see https://theclevelandopera.org/mozart-still-christmas/)

For approximately an hour, the audience was treated to renditions of musical works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and William Grant Still as well as such holiday classical carols as “O Come, All Ye Faithful.”

Let it be mentioned that several members of the company were also members of the newly formed Cleveland Opera Institute.

As we read on its website, the Cleveland Opera Institute offers “…a platform for all talented local singers to how in their art and commitment to opera in our area and to permanently install opera in Cleveland turning this area into an attractive opera destination.”

(see https://theclevelandppera.org/institute/)

We thoroughly enjoyed the music as well as the opportunity to visit the beautifully decorated sanctuary of St. Casimir Church, a House of Worship that was constructed over 100 years prior by parishioners who had immigrated to the United States from Poland.

At this time, we spoke to a couple of elderly attendees who confirmed that the church had “been built by our grandparents and we grew up here!”



Buhrer Dual Language Academy in Cleveland really lit up on Monday evening, January 6th, when its Three Kings Day Celebration/Feliz Dia Los Reyes Magos took place in the gym.

Guests were treated to a spirited dance performance that was a stunning combo of Salsa and Afrobeat as well as a visit from the Three Kings themselves or at least cheerful imposters.

As we learned through our research, “Three Kings Day is celebrated 12 days after Christmas on January 6th and represents the time when the Wise Men, also known as the Magi, came to visit Jesus.”

(see https://www.country living.com/life/a30142058/three-kings-day/)

We also learned that in other countries, such as Spain, Three Kings Day is when the children

get their Christmas presents.

(see https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/celebrations/article/three-kings-day/)

Appropriately, there were also presents for the kids present that night at Buhrer Dual Language Academy along with pizza and other snacks.

This was our first visit to this impressive school, whose student body includes several who have immigrated to the United States from the Hispanic countries, which “is home to the first dual language education program in Ohio. All classes are taught in English and Spanish and Buhrer students become proficient in both languages.”

(see https://www.clevelandmetroschools.org/buhrer/)

This evening’s jubilee was hosted by the City of Cleveland and the Cleveland Metropolitan School District but there were quite a few sponsoring entities and Margaret W. Wong & Associates LLC was among them.

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