U.S. Expands H-2B Visa Program for 2025 to Address Labor Shortages in Key Industries

The United States has announced an expansion of the H-2B visa program for fiscal year 2025, adding 64,716 visas to address labor shortages in sectors like tourism, hospitality, landscaping, and seafood processing. This increase supplements the 66,000 visas already authorized annually by Congress, marking the largest expansion allowed by law.

The additional visas are allocated strategically, with 20,000 reserved for nationals from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Haiti, Colombia, Ecuador, and Costa Rica, promoting regional migration stability. The remaining 44,716 visas will go to returning workers who have participated in the program within the past three years, ensuring experienced labor is available during high-demand periods, such as summer.

The H-2B program is critical for businesses relying on temporary labor. Employers must demonstrate a shortage of U.S. workers before hiring internationally. The program includes robust safeguards to prevent worker exploitation and maintain fair labor standards.

This expansion aims to support critical industries, reduce costs for consumers, and promote orderly migration. Officials emphasize its role in strengthening the economy while balancing the needs of businesses and workers. Additional information about eligibility and application processes will soon be available, signaling a proactive approach to meeting 2025’s labor demands.

Effective Nov. 8, 2024, nationals of the following countries are eligible to receive H-2A and H-2B visas:

Andorra Estonia Madagascar Saint Lucia
Argentina The Kingdom of Eswatini Malta San Marino
Australia Fiji Mauritius Serbia
Austria Finland Mexico Singapore
Barbados France Monaco Slovakia
Belgium Germany Mongolia* Slovenia
Belize Greece Montenegro Solomon Islands
Bolivia Grenada Mozambique South Africa
Bosnia and Herzegovina Guatemala Nauru South Korea
Brazil Haiti The Netherlands Spain
Brunei Honduras New Zealand St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Bulgaria Hungary Nicaragua Sweden
Canada Iceland North Macedonia Switzerland
Chile Ireland Norway Taiwan***
Colombia Israel Panama Thailand
Costa Rica Italy Papua New Guinea Timor-Leste
Croatia Jamaica Paraguay** Turkey
Republic of Cyprus Japan Peru Tuvalu
Czech Republic Kiribati The Philippines* Ukraine
Denmark Latvia Poland United Kingdom
Dominican Republic Liechtenstein Portugal Uruguay
Ecuador Lithuania Romania Vanuatu
El Salvador Luxembourg

Get in touch with Margaret W. Wong & Associates should you need any further information on applying for the H-2B Visa Program.

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