Preparing for your green card interview

A green card is a legal identity document that shows that an individual has permanent residence in the U.S. It’s common for family members to apply for this document so that they can join their loved ones and build a new life together.

However, obtaining a green card is not guaranteed. There are various requirements that must be first satisfied. The final part of the process is usually an interview.

Interviews can be daunting at the best of times, but this is especially the case when the stakes are so high. Being prepared can really help alleviate some of the stress of the situation. Outlined below are a few things to keep in mind.

Reduce the risk of discrepancies

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officers will conduct your interview. Throughout this process, they’ll ask you a number of questions. They’ll be looking to find out more about you and make sure there are no holes in your story. You won’t be expected to remember every single minute detail of your application forms, but the key points are crucial. Going over your application beforehand can help ensure that the essential factors are fresh in your memory.

Remember that it isn’t personal

It’s never easy to tell a stranger about personal aspects of your life, and it may feel like immigration officers are being intrusive. The set of questions directed your way aren’t intended to offend you. The USCIS will simply be trying to gauge the type of character that you are.

What if the interview goes poorly?

It’s not uncommon for interviewees to leave the room thinking that the interview went poorly. In reality, this is rarely the case.

Throughout the immigration process the most important aspect is to fill in the appropriate documentation accurately. To do this and give yourself the best chance of a favorable outcome, it’s wise to have legal guidance.

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